YouYu Electric Heating

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Performance analysis of different constant power heating cables

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Update time : 2022-11-18 10:10:09
      There are different types of constant power heating cables, so their performance is also different. The construction principles of constant power heating cables are different from ordinary heating cables. Let me analyze their characteristics for you. The power busbar of the single-phase parallel constant power electric heating cable is two parallel insulated copper wires, the heating wire is wrapped around the inner insulating layer and the heating cable is connected to the busbar at a certain interval, that is, the "heating section length", to form a continuous parallel resistance. After the busbar is energized, each parallel resistor generates heat, thus forming a continuous heating belt.
      The principle of the three-phase parallel constant power electric heating cable and the single-phase parallel constant power electric heating cable are the same, the difference is that the single-phase belt adopts single-phase power supply, and the three-phase belt adopts three-phase delta power supply. In addition to the characteristics of single-phase belts, three-phase belts are especially suitable for heating, heat tracing and heat preservation of long-distance and large-diameter pipelines. The three-phase parallel constant power electric heating cable is three parallel insulated copper wires as the power bus, and the electric heating wire is surrounded outside the insulating layer of the skeleton layer, and the electric heating cable is connected at a certain interval, that is, the "heating section length", to form a continuous parallel connection between every two phases resistance. When the busbar is supplied with three-phase power, all parallel resistors will generate heat together, thus forming a heating belt with continuous three-phase power supply. Constant power electric heating cable The enhanced electric heating cable is covered with an insulating layer on the outer layer of the ordinary electric heating cable, and the rest of the structure is the same as the ordinary electric heating cable. The main feature of the enhanced electric heating belt is that it has higher mechanical strength and stronger anti-corrosion ability than the ordinary electric heating belt, but its thermal conductivity is slightly lower. Avoid too much voltage drop, so there is a certain limit to the maximum length when the single-point power supply is output in one direction. When the single-point power supply is output in two directions, the length can be doubled.