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What kind of factories are constant power electric heating cables used in?

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Update time : 2024-01-25 14:03:07
                      In the purchase of heat tracing cable, many people are not willing to choose constant power electric heating cable, here are two reasons, on the one hand, we take into account the cost of electricity, because a lot of farms or manufacturers just a few hours a day will be used heating cable, do not need the constant power constant temperature twenty-four hours of constant temperature use, but also hope that different sections of the road to adjust the different temperatures.

                         Secondly, its voltage problem has been a headache, constant power electric heating cable both can not use high voltage, because it will be because of the sudden high voltage burned pipe, but also because of the voltage to determine the length of the pipe problem, constant temperature heating trace cable can only be larger length of one hundred meters or so, but also can not be cross-twisted, the underground project will also let it leave a large safety spacing.

                          However, there are still some factories can only use constant power electric heating tape, such as some all-day production of industrial sites, such as the strict requirements of the temperature of the brewery, and some need to constant temperature feeding of the breeding base and so on. The main thing is than from the temperature control accompanies the tropical belt it is more used with some dangerous area and the corrosion area of the factory use. On the one hand, it is safer, and on the other hand, there will be no unnecessary losses due to the constant temperature which will not appear the problem of artificial error of self-control temperature.

                         In all applies to the constant power electric heating tracing cable plant, to say the most typical is the sewage treatment plant, the sewage treatment plant to with the temperature of the requirements of the exceptionally strict, and all day twenty-four hours to deal with the heating state, this heating cable than the self-control temperature tracing heating cable to be good installation of the much more, no environmental pollution, the most important thing is the constant temperature electric heat tracing cable pipe temperature low uniformity, the advantages of the safety of the operation so that it embodies a real Importance.